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This post brought to you by GoodNites. All opinions are 100% mine.
I have used GoodNites for about 3 years now. With my oldest he wore GoodNites for only a few months then he was making it all night dry. My youngest is all most 6 and still has accidents at nght and sometimes during the day. We went through a phase with him where he wanted "big boy roos" at night but I was doing laundry every morning because he would end up wetting his bed, sheets and clothes every night. We would cut him off of liquids hours begore bed time, make him go to the potty before bed and he still would wet the bed. Finally I convinced him that the GoodNites were like big boy roos but would keep his clothes and bed dry even if he did have an accident.
He wasn't having it at first. He said they were diapers. Once I fianlly got a GoodNites underwear on him he realized they didn't feel like his old diapers but he wasn't convinced that they were big boy roos either but he wore them anyways.
I have asked his peditrician about the bed wetting and wetting his pants on occassion during the day and he said that it's ok for boys at his age sometimes to give it until he's 6 and if it's still happening we'll look in to it more. So for now we are using GoodNites and he isn't embarassed about wearing the GoodNites underwear and mama isn't washing as much laundry.
You can find coupons in the sunday paper insert some weeks and follow the GoodNites Facebook page for more info and offers.
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