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Not every guy can be a natural born cowboy. Even the best could use a little cowboy bootcamp. Armie Hammer does a pretty darn good job at cowboying up at cowboy bootcamp to prepare for his role in The Lone Ranger. I know how to ride a horse pretty well but would love to attend a cowboy bootcamp to learn to shoot and lasso like a pro. Wouldn't you? They make learning to rope and ride look like a lot of fun. Leroy (the white horse in the clip) is such a pretty horse. I miss the horse I had as a teen, her name was Pepper.

Check out this on the set featurette "Cowboy Bootcamp" from The Lone Ranger...
Are you looking forward to The Lone Ranger coming to theaters on July 3? July 3rd is my birthday and I plan to celebrate a little with a opening night showing. What a way to spend turning 29, with a handsome cowboy (Armie Hammer) and the hotness also known as Johnny Depp (Tonto) *swoon*
There is another behind the scene clip with Armie Hammer- The Lone Ranger Docupod #1- Spirit Platform
I'm not afraid of heights but being on the top of that platform would not be fun for me. I'd rather be riding on the back of a horse than being at the top of that thing. I don't know how Armie does it.
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THE LONE RANGER rides into theaters on July 3rd!
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